The Big Sipper
Origin: San Agustin, Huila, Colombia
Producers: Didier Ortega, Alvaro Galindez
Process: Washed
Varieties: Pink Bourbon
Altitude: 1650 - 1900 masl
Importer: Semilla & Monkaaba
Roast: Medium-Light
Notes: Clementine, Almond, Milk Chocolate
Transparency: We paid Semilla $4.33/lb + shipping and brokerage for a 10 bag lot, their farmgate price was 2,500,000 colombian pesos ( national average was 1,500,000 at the time) and their FOB price was $3.42/lb.
ah, the big sipper, our ideal every day drinker. This profile is designed to be medium in acidity, high in sweetness, and very crushable. Though the coffee may change in big sipper, the profile will always be focused on bringing you a clean, easy drinking cup of coffee.
We are so happy to be featuring these tasty pink bourbonsfrom 2 smallholder producers of the Monkaaba group, Didier Ortega(photo 1) & Alvaro Galindez
Working together, Semilla and Monkaaba provide a rare opportunity for most producers. They run a free to use cupping lab in Huila that allows small producers to taste their own coffees and receive feedback from veteran producers on how to improve quality.
This is extremely contrary to how most other buying systems work, and commodity works, where buyers benefit from coffee producers NOT knowing the quality of their coffee, so they can continue offering low prices to producers, and sell for higher profits.
This project is all about empowering and educating producers to reach micro-lot status, and financial stability through coffee production.
in the cup! this coffee is super crushable with nice clementine citrus notes, soft almond fattyness, and a tasty sweet milk chocolate to round it out.