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Guarapo Sugar Cane Decaf, Huila, Colombia


Origin: San Agustin, Huila, Colombia

Producers: Monkaaba Small Producers

Process: EA Sugarcane Decaf

Varieties: Blend

Elevation: 1750-2200 masl

Importer: Semilla & Monkaaba

Roast: Medium

Notes: Tangerine, Papaya, Cookies and Cream

Transparency: We paid Semilla $6.00USD/lb green coffee + shipping and brokerage

Guarapo is back! The best decaf around, freshly decafinated in Colombia, this stuff is bonkers good. If you want Decaf that tastes like nice coffee, this is the one.

Named Guarapo after the juice of the sugarcane plant, this coffee is decaffeinated fresh in Colombia using the EA sugarcane processing.

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