This is fine. a dark roast
Origin: Cerrado Mineiro, Brazil + Huila, Colombia
Producer: Danilo Barbosa & Family + Ruben Jimenez
Process: Natural + Washed
Varieties: Red Catui + Caturra
Elevation: 1100masl + 1720 masl
Importer: Orange Brown Coffee Imports + Semilla
Roast: Dark Roast
Notes: Cocoa Nibs, Cherry, Almond Brittle, Caramel
50% Brazil, we paid $4.50CAD/lb FOB paid to Orange Brown + Shipping, $3.22CAD/lb green coffee paid to Barbosa Family.
50% Colombia, we paid Semilla $3.00USD/lb green coffee, their FOB price was $3.78/lb, Farmgate price paid to Ruben was $2,900,000.00 Colombian Pesos / Carga (125kg parchment coffee).
This is fine, a bold new coffee from the depths of our Probat Roasting Machine. Oftentimes we feel like the world is on fire, and we are the proverbial bean in the proverbial coffee roaster. What is there to do but drink a bold and strong cup o’joe to keep you grounded about your business. Inspired by the classic meme, On Fire by K.C. Green, we will heed the words of the wise dog as he says;
‘This is fine. I’m okay with the events that are unfolding currently.
[catching on fire] That’s okay, things are going to okay.’
You’ll find some dark chocolate cherry, almond brittle, and a deep caramel finish in this cup. And keep at it, we’ll all get through it alright.